Cynthia Abulafia Cynthia Abulafia

1.5 Aparigraha and Desire

When we walk back from a thought we almost always find an emotion, and when we follow an emotion we find loops of thought. Thought-emotion is really one arc and depending on where you are looking on that arc it will present predominantly as one or the other. Actually, it’s fairly rare to be far enough on the end of the spectrum that a thought presents without any emotion or an emotion presents without any thought.

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Cynthia Abulafia Cynthia Abulafia

2.1 Saucha and Purity in Yoga

Yes, social rituals and personas do matter, but for the sincere aspirant of yoga, this is an outcome or a byproduct if you will flowering from a much deeper and quieter process of self-investigation into the movements of the mental/emotional self.  The yogi is not cramming the large personality into a social construct and trying to tow that line to be culturally accepted- the yogi is trying to get to the bottom of that large personality altogether in a difficult and scientific process that sweeps away the constructs of the self layer by layer.  

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Cynthia Abulafia Cynthia Abulafia

Natural Breath

What are the physical benefits to breathing and how do we do that?

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